How balanced is this sample curriculum for 3-4 year old PYP Learners?

Here I am looking at the entire grade levels curriculum and judging it’s balance and coherence.


Sample Unit Planner for PYP Learners ages 3-4.

Who we are

Family relationships contribute to shaping our identity.

Key concepts: form, responsibility, reflection

Related concepts: similarities and differences, belonging, roles

Lines of inquiry

  • Diversity of families
  • Responsibilities within the family
  • How families influence who we become


Where are we in place and time

Spaces and facilities in and around buildings determine how people use them.

Key concepts: form, function, causation

Related concepts: space, structure, design, safety

Lines of inquiry

  • Characteristics and arrangements of physical spaces
  • How people use different spaces
  • Our responsibility in sharing spaces with others


How we express ourselves

Through play we express our feelings and ideas and come to new understandings.

Key concepts: function, connection, perspective

Related concepts: imagination, creativity, communication

Lines of inquiry

  • Communicating through play
  • Imaginative use of materials
  • The role of toys in play

How the world works:

The Earth’s natural cycles influence the activity of living things.

Key concepts: causation, change, connection

Related concepts: cycles, interaction, pattern

Lines of inquiry

  • Natural cycles (eg night and day, weather patterns, seasons)
  • The actions people take in response to Earth’s natural cycles
  • Patterns of behaviour in living things related to Earth’s natural cycles


How we organize ourselves

People play different roles in the communities to which they belong.

Key concepts: form, function, responsibility

Related concepts: community, rules, interaction

Lines of inquiry

  • Various communities we belong to
  • Roles of people who are part of our communities
  • How communities are organized


Sharing the planet

Animals and people interact in different ways in different contexts.

Key concepts: connection, perspective, responsibility

Related concepts: characteristics, relationships, needs

Lines of inquiry

  • The different roles animals play in peoples’ lives
  • Suitability of particular animals for specific functions
  • Our responsibility for the well-being of animals


Because 3-4 year old children are becoming more independent from their parents, they will be developing the skills needed to express their needs appropriately and interact with others as a member of a classroom community. They will also be discovering that other children are people with their own emotions and needs, which will create tension. This curriculum does an excellent job of addressing the concepts and skills that the students will need to grow as independent members of the classroom and larger society. This is a good opportunity for instructors to start challenging students to think about why certain actions are appropriate, instead of simply adjusting themselves to positive and negative feedback.

Considering the developmental milestones and goals for children ages 3-4, the focus on functionconnectioncausation, and responsibility is essential for helping PYP Learners build their understanding of their classmates and surroundings and learn how to express and react to stimuli appropriately. By 3 years of age, they will know how to express their needs but not in relation to others who also have needs and desires. I especially like that each of the units includes at least one line of inquiry that touches upon how people act and interact. This provides students will the appropriate time to discover how their actions affect the people and environment around them.

At this age, PYP learners will be discovering that they are part of a larger systems that does not exist solely to provide for their needs. They will be learning about interacting with others their own age, classroom spaces and tools, and personal safety. I like how these units can cover a number of subjects but always tie back to the concepts and skills that the students need to develop. At this age, I believe building a solid framework of abilities and conceptual understanding is more important than learning specific content, and this unit allows for that well.


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